
In the spring and summer there is an explosion of color when the wildflowers bloom throughout the

Sticky Monkey Flower, Lupine, California Poppy,  Brodiaea, Chinese Houses,
California Pipevine, Indian Paintbrush, and Fiddlenecks are some of the
more commonly seen wildflowers.

But there are others that grow in very special areas and bloom for
only a short time, such as Globe Lily, Seep Spring Monkey Flower and Cardinal Monkey Flower. The
bloom actually begins in winter with the California Pipevine, and if the weather cooperates, wildflowers
will be seen almost to the fall as California poppies bloom for a very long time.

Here is a small selection of the wildflowers that can be found in the Folsom Lake State Recreation area.

Thanks to Mark Sogge for providing captions.