If you would like to make a donation, whether large or small, one-time or ongoing, we welcome your support! If you prefer, you can direct your donation to support a specific program. Either way, we have near-zero overhead, so you can be sure that virtually your entire donation will support our state park!
Donate to FOLFAN: https://give-usa.keela.co/2024-donation-no-membership
Or, here are the specific programs to which you may direct your donation:
- Adopt the Parkway: https://give-usa.keela.co/atp-donation
- Art in the Park: https://give-usa.keela.co/art-in-the-parks-donations
- Bald Eagle Interpretive Program: https://give-usa.keela.co/bald-eagle-interpretive-program-donations
- Lake Natoma Nursery and Gardens: https://give-usa.keela.co/native-plant-nursery-donations
- Life Jackets Save Lives: give-usa.keela.co/life-jackets-save-lives
Any of our other initiatives not listed above can be funded through the general FOLFAN donation link.