
While Friends of Lakes Folsom and Natoma (FOLFAN) is proud of our accomplishments, we realize that as we increase our volunteer capacity, we can accomplish even more!

Won’t you help us by becoming one of our volunteers, docents or stewards?

We ask ALL of our members and fans who may be interested in volunteering to complete our volunteer registry form so we know what kind of volunteer activities interests each of you. This doesn’t commit you to anything by putting yourself in our registry; rather, the registry gives us the ability to reach out to those individuals who are most likely to say YES when we need volunteers for a specific project or task. But it remains your choice to say YES or NO when we call or email you about a volunteer opportunity. 

Typical volunteer interest areas include:

  • Litter Cleanup Event Help
  • Eagles Nest Area Docents
  • Administrative Support
  • Newsletter or Publication or PR Assistance
  • Website Assistance
  • Writing/Editing Assistance or Content Development
  • Youth Education or School Programs Assistance
  • Interpretation Assistance (History, Cultural or Natural Resources)
  • Social Media Assistance
  • Trail Maintenance
  • Adopt-the-Parkway Steward (ongoing role)
  • Special Event Assistance
  • Event Photographer or Photojournalist

To receive the form for our Volunteer Registry, please email Jim Cassio at president@folfan.org

To show our appreciation to our active volunteers, who time and time again demonstrate what it means to take care of our park and its resources, FOLFAN will gift a one-year Chinook Salmon membership!  Please contact Karen Shaffer, our membership coordinator, at kshaffer27@gmail.com, and tell her a little about what you do for FOLFAN on a regular basis and she’ll get you signed up!